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  1.  the authorisation and prohibition of musical performances of any kind no longer depend fundamentally on the technical equipment, but on the volume of the performance BECAUSE (by definition) only this makes the sound to noise.

  2. majority agreement and posting of a generally applicable code of behaviour for buskers/musicians in dealing with residents AND fellow musicians in public spaces

  3. at hotspots of social cultural public use, such as Mauerpark, Warschauer Straße and Alexanderplatz > Adaptation of the urban spatial division to grown and thus justified utilisation claims in a (here still) increasing urban densifying utilisation pressure, e.g. in the form of differently rated zones/ or differently furnished/equipped facilities (sound shell, noise barrier, dB indicator, etc.).

  4. bureaucratic and financial facilitation of registration/application e.g. more decentralised structure, adaptation of the type to the spirit of the times/speed/mobility/medium (ONLINE - simply with a mobile phone) AND OFFLINE for uninitiated travellers passing through -> e.g. can also be linked to space allocation (app?) > so that better organization (self- or guided structuring) can be achieved ion site.

  5. simple solution for artists to sell their own productions and promotional items.

  6. access to transparent and uniform legislation & appropriate, fair sanctions > abolition of the impression of arbitrariness in the assessment of offences > abolition of precarious measurement regulations, such as the sanctioning of livelihood-financing instruments and tools

  7. creation and maintenance of an awareness/recognition/appreciation of/for the national and international significance of the public musical diversity in Berlin as its cultural heritage or at least a budding tradition.

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